Pro Anti-Oxidants and Fun, Fabulous, Fall Facts


3 Anti-Oxidant Rich Foods

Welcome back guys. Now that I have the energy of a mid-western meth addict, let’s take a look at 3 anti-oxidant rich, cancer-fighting super-foods.

1.)Blueberries/Redberries—This tasty bear food is chock-a-block with compounds that help lower inflammation and protect our cells from the damage caused by free radicals. Red berries (strawberries and raspberries) contain allagic acid, which may help to guard against cancer-causing agents in our diets and in our surrounding environments. Eat a handful of berries, give your body a fighting chance against that gas station bear claw you jammed down for breakfast.

2.) Beans Beans, the Musical Fruit— It seems that Mr. Taggard should have been encouraging his men towards a second helping of these free-radical smashing superfoods. Beans not only pack an amazing amount of anti-oxidant punch, but they’re loaded w/vitamins and minerals such as calcium and folate.

3.) Mo’Tea, Sir? Doesn’t matter which one you choose, good sir, both Coffee and tea are rich in anti-oxidants. Green Tea, in particular, houses EGCG, or epi-gallo-catechin gallate, that is a relatively powerful variety of anti-oxidant. Maybe one of those reasons for such low cancer rates in the far east.

5 Fun Fall Facts

Alright, I’m feeling pretty refreshed, and while we don’t get a ton of seasonal change here in Florida, I have noticed some lovely posts from our friends up north and those trees are looking beautiful! It sure looks and feels as if the autumnal season is here finally. And that’s a great time for us to talk about a few wonderful facts, found only in the fall:

1.) Speaking of colorful trees, those leaves can make for some intense yard work. In fact, raking up endless bags of those bad boys is considered a “moderate intensity activity,” and burns around 3.5-7 calories/minute. Taking down the whole tree and splitting some wood for a lovely bonfire? That right there is a “high intensity activity” and torches north of 7 cal/min.

2.) Fall is harvest time for those delicious sweet taters, too! They’re loaded with calcium, potassium as well as vitamins A and C. Although we love ‘em candied, we don’t love shopping in the “John Candy” size section. So, these days we eat ‘em with a dollop of plain yogurt and a sprinkle of nutmeg or cinnamon. It’s a little healthier and let’s those nutrients breathe a hint.

3.) If you happen to be headed outback, don’t worry, you’re not left out…riverbank fishing and bowhunting are both classified as “moderate intensity activities.” Trotting, jumping or turnin’ some barrels? Those are all “vigorous activities.”

4.) A quintessential icon of autumn, apples are a fall fruit powerhouse. Apple cider contains numerous bacteria and acids and can be fermented into apple cider vinegar—which has all sorts of helpful properties. (One of my favorites is to dab a little on the skin after heavy nights of curry. Keeps the skin’s pH in balance and helps to cut down the smell). Johnny Appleseed’s cash crop also has a compound called “ursolic acid” found in its peel. This compound has been shown to increase lean muscle development. Probably the just the performance enhancer ol’ John needed to seed the land!

5.) With Halloween/thanksgiving rapidly approaching, we gotta’ be sure to include that venerable Orange gourd—the Pumpkin. Jammed with vitamin A, these super-foods can help ya’ better see at night on long dark stretches through the woody hills and sleepy hallows. Of course, when they’re set ablaze by the fires of hell, they defiantly work well to light the way.

Now, if your blood pressure’s up a little at the very mention of the Headless Horseman, the phytoestrogens in pumpkin work well to lower that, too. What’s more—theyre loaded with fiber for healthy hearts and movements [fart soundbyte], as well as cancer-fighting anti-oxidants.

Pumpkin Workout

Grab a coupla’ lb. pumpkin and head over to our blog for a complete workout using just your jack-o-lantern. (pre-carved, of course).


Squats w/Overhead pumpkin press                                                                              5 reps

Woodchops                                                                                                                              5 reps (ea. side)

Alternating Stationary Lunges w/Twist                                                                         5 reps (ea. side)

Pumpkin Pushups                                                                                                                  5 reps

Now, load that sucker up and chunk ‘er as far as she’ll go and then boil her into a lovely soup. It turns out that cooked pumpkins have more energy refueling potassium than bananas (about 564 to around 400 in your average Cavendish or Gros Michel), and thus make a lovely after-workout choice.

Meditation Minute

Speaking of after workout procedures, I can think of no time like the present for our Meditation Minute. I’m on duty today, and in preparation, I slid on down to see a friend of mine on the quiet coast. Today’s offering comes courtesy of a quaint little island town just south of Sarasota. It seems that one of our seasonal resident-friends was out west recently and brought back a little White Rhino for a bit of relaxation and meditation as he listens to the Gulf lull him to sleep. Lucky us, we happened to be in the right place at the right time!

So, since white Rhino reminds me of wide Rhinos, and the medicinal benefits are just hard hitting, lets wonder across the Atlantic and set ourselves down on the Dark Continent. The land of the wild savannah. Perhaps feel the warm winds off of the transveld as we raise our castle Lager [bong hit sound]…stay well, my friends…

[Toto—Africa plays]

Well, it seems as though one bit has run into another and we find ourselves still in Africa. No matter. I’m pretty sure we’ve stuffed enough meat into this taco for now. Y’all probably have some things you wanna do any way. And since, it seems, I find myself south of Botswana—I’m gonna see if I can flag down a taxi, make it over to some friends I know who live in Durbin. I’m sure they can help with travel arrangements back stateside.

Don’t forget to check us out next week…it’s our Halloween episode, and hell, we’re dressin’ up courtesy of J.Edgar’s Fashions and Costume Jewlery over in College Park. We’re gonna have a few healthy treat alternatives and Sancho will check in with some options for those of you who prefer to mete out a little mischief, rather than dishing out a tasty treat.

As long I’m in the area, I’m gonna head over smack around those douchebags responsible for shooting Cecil the Lion, and lay down our brand of Healthy Movement justice in the name of conservation.

Until next time, keep in touch with us on social media or our blog, at This has been the Healthy Movement  Podcast, and I’m still Shawn Staerker—reminding y’all to keep it clean and cozy, and wishing for lots of healthy Movements along the way.